Hello, hello~
I have been super lazy with everything lately xD but I have written most of my circle lenses post and it should be here this week (I hope o_o)
I also started working from Monday, it's just two hours in the evening, cleaning offices >< but I really can't get the motivation to look for a proper summer job (my mum found this for me xD she works there as a supervisor). But labour work is really not my thing xD I have zero strength and arms hurt a lot while working xD After those 3 months I will get some proper arm muscles o__o xD
I went to my hairstylist on Saturday and shown her a picture of Yui and asked to cut my fringe like that (and of course she had to trim my poor ends as well ;__;)... and it was a total disaster >< I walked out very unhappy... see for yourself~
And some not so successful checki's from the picnic~
Aaaaaand~ Tasha, being super awesome <bows> gave me a whole bag of CLAMP stuff *o* I swear I almost died of happiness when I saw it xD
Huge Chii plushie~ for some reason her hair wasnt' glued properly together so I spent the last 2 days sewing it up xD should just use fabric glue, but I really enjoy sewing, very relaxing~ xD only got half of the back hair left, all front in sewn together ^__^
and two mini plushies <3
whole stack of CLAMP manga
and trading figures!! super impossible to get! decided the packaging is nice, and it would be a shame to destroy it, so they are all in various places on the shelf, attached to the wall using blutack
haha, this was supposed to be mainly a fashion/gyaru blog... but all I write about is CLAMP xD need to work on it xD will try to balance it out soon xD
ah! actually! more on gyaru~ I ordered DECOLOG Eyelash who's (DOLLY) Eyelashes, can't wait for them!! it wasn't cheap, but not bad comparing to my usual eyelure lashes ^__^
See you soon~ \(^__^)/
Just let it grow, fringes look freshly cut always a bit funny (had that happend a few times as well) but after a few weeks they start to look awesome ♥ So just wait a little bit longer. Also it still suits you this way! No need to worry.